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Lingokids is a Google Play Featured App for Fostering Kids’ Well-Being

Child Mind Institute

We’re beyond excited to announce a milestone in our journey to enrich the lives of children around the world. The Lingokids app has been selected by the Child Mind Institute—the leading independent nonprofit dedicated to children’s mental health—to be featured in the Google Play Store’s esteemed “Fostering Kids’ Well-Being” collection this month!


A stamp of approval from Child Mind Institute

The Child Mind Institute is renowned for its dedication to transforming the lives of children and families dealing with mental health and learning disorders. Their commitment extends through providing gold-standard, evidence-based care, and delivering educational resources to millions annually. 

It’s a significant honor for Lingokids to be recognized by such an outstanding organization and to be included in a curated list of apps that promote children’s mental health and well-being.

From May 2nd through May 15th, Lingokids will be prominently featured on the Kids home page of the Google Play Store. This spotlight is part of the “Foster Kids’ Wellbeing” collection, where Lingokids has been handpicked as a Google’s Teacher Approved app. 

These apps are carefully reviewed and selected for their ability to support the mental health and well-being of children, providing them with tools to express their emotions, manage big feelings, and engage in mindfulness activities.


Play, learn, and thrive with Lingokids

The Child Mind Institute has curated a selection of apps that allow children—and the adults in their lives—to explore interactive stories and games that foster positive relationships and personal growth. 

The Lingokids app contributes to this goal by offering fun and educational content that helps children name and express their feelings, along with engaging in activities that promote mindfulness and emotional regulation.


Join us in celebrating

We invite you to check out Lingokids and the complete “Fostering Kids’ Well-Being” collection on the Kids page of the Google Play Store. Together, let’s take significant steps toward building a brighter, healthier future for our children. 

Here’s to many more milestones, fun learning experiences, and a steadfast commitment to the well-being of children worldwide! 


More about Lingokids

The Lingokids universe provides original, award-winning, interactive content for kids, transforming how kids can learn. Lingokids creates games, songs, podcasts, videos, and activities that blend educational subjects with modern life skills to spark curiosity, imagination, and success in school—and beyond!

Want more educational games and activities? Download the app and check out more content on our YouTube channels!

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