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6 Engaging (+ Interactive) Games That Make Math Fun for Kids

make math fun for kids

For many people, math has a bad reputation for being difficult. But, it doesn’t have to be that way! Math can be fun, artistic, and interesting. When parents foster a love and appreciation for math from an early age, they set children up for success later on. Check out these activities that make math fun for kids! 

From counting and sorting to problem-solving and critical thinking, math games can be educational and entertaining for kids of all ages. Join us as we explore a collection of interactive games and activities designed to make math an enjoyable adventure for your children.


6 activities that make math fun for kids

1. Counting card tower (preschoolers + early elementary)

Turn math into a tower-building extravaganza!

Materials needed: 

  • A deck of playing cards



  1. Assign numerical values to each card (Ace as 1, Jack as 11, Queen as 12, and King as 13). 
  2. Challenge your child to build a card tower by correctly counting the cards. Each card placed should match the numerical value called out by your child. 
  3. Encourage them to use strategic thinking and careful counting to reach new heights!


playing card math game for kids

2. Shape Scavenger Hunt (kindergarten + elementary)

Combine math and adventure with a shape scavenger hunt! 

Materials needed: 

  • Paper, markers, and a timer



  1. Create a list of different shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, etc.) on individual pieces of paper. 
  2. Set a timer and encourage your child to find objects around the house or outdoors that match each shape on the list. 
  3. For an extra challenge, assign point values to each shape, and see who can find the highest-scoring objects within the time limit.


shapes scavenger hunt


3. Math Storytelling (all ages)

Unleash your child’s imagination with math storytelling.


  1. Start by giving your child a math-related prompt, such as “Once upon a time, there were 10 bunnies playing in the field.” 
  2. Encourage them to weave a story while incorporating math concepts. For example, ask them how many bunnies are left if two bunnies hop away. 


This activity helps develop numeracy skills while nurturing creativity and language proficiency.


math story game for kids


4. Measure It Up (elementary and beyond)

Turn your home into a math laboratory with “Measure It Up.” 

Materials needed: 

  • Various objects for measuring (rulers, measuring tape, cups, etc.)



  1. Select different objects around the house and challenge your child to measure them using various tools. 
  2. Explore length, weight, capacity, and more! 
  3. Ask your child to compare and order objects based on their measurements, fostering a deeper understanding of math and encouraging problem-solving skills.


measuring math game for kids


5. Math Board Games (elementary and beyond)

Board games can provide countless opportunities for math-related fun.

Materials needed: 

  • Math-themed board games (e.g., Monopoly, Uno, Set, or Mancala)



  1. Select math-themed board games that involve counting, strategy, and problem-solving. Games like Monopoly teach money management, while Set challenges visual perception and pattern recognition. 


Engaging in these games helps reinforce essential math skills while creating memorable moments with your child.


math card games for kids


6. Geometric Art Masterpiece (elementary and beyond)

With this game, combine the world of math with artistry by creating a geometric masterpiece. 

Materials needed: 

  • Paper
  • Pencils
  • Rulers
  • Colored pencils or markers



  1. Start by discussing different geometric shapes such as squares, triangles, circles, and rectangles with your child. 
  2. Encourage your child to design and draw their own unique geometric pattern using various shapes. 
  3. They can experiment with different combinations, sizes, and colors to create visually stunning artwork. 
  4. This activity not only allows your child to explore geometric concepts but also promotes creativity, attention to detail, and fine motor skills.
  5. For an extra challenge, you can introduce symmetry by folding the paper in half and having your child create a symmetrical design on both sides. This will further enhance their understanding of geometric concepts and patterns.
  6. Display their artwork proudly, and let their creativity and mathematical prowess shine!


math art for kids


Truly, math doesn’t have to be boring or intimidating. With these exciting math games and activities, you can foster a love for numbers and numeracy skills in your children, all while celebrating International Play Day. Remember, play is a powerful tool for learning, and by incorporating math into your playtime, you can make math an enjoyable adventure for the whole family. 

So, get ready to have fun, learn, and build a strong foundation for your child’s mathematical journey!


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The Lingokids universe provides original, award-winning, interactive content for kids, transforming how kids can learn. Lingokids creates games, songs, podcasts, videos, and activities that blend educational subjects with modern life skills to spark curiosity, imagination, and success in school—and beyond!  

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