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9 Tips for Traveling with Kids

tips for traveling with kids

In need of a vacation but worrying about how to take the kids along? All that planning can become overwhelming. Luckily, we’ve gathered some tips for traveling with kids to help make your holiday a breeze. 

Whether you’re hitting the road or braving an airport, here are our top tips to make your trip as smooth sailing as possible!

travel with kids


9 tips for traveling with kids

1. Plan ahead

Preparation will become your new best friend when traveling with your kiddos. Make sure to give yourself plenty of time, leaving enough time for potential traffic, waiting around, and lots of bathroom breaks. Being in a rush is the last thing you’ll want!


2. Bring on the bargains 

Who doesn’t love the sound of “kids go free?” Travel can be expensive, so before you go on your trip, shop around for those discounts on travel and special days out.


3. Be prepared to go off schedule

While it’s a good idea to have a general itinerary, don’t expect to follow it 100%. If you spot something on the way that you want to see, don’t miss out just because it doesn’t fit with the plan.


4. Keep it varied 

Spice things up with different destinations and activities to keep everyone happy and try new things together!


5. Snacks, snacks, snacks! 

Kids on road trips will probably be tired, but being tired and hungry is a different ball game. Healthy snacks help keep their energy levels up and the belly rumbles to a minimum.


6. Pack light

The less you take, the easier it will be to find what you need. Taking more also means you’re more likely to lose something.


7. Entertain them while traveling 

Kids can’t sleep the whole journey, or they won’t be tired at bedtime. Play a classic game of “I Spy,” pack a book, or bring a deck of cards. Click here for more car game ideas for kids.


8. Talk it through

Traveling is an adventure! But it can also be scary when you don’t know what to expect. In the days leading up to your trip, begin talking about the travel plan so that children can also prepare. This will help them to better understand that they might be spending a lot of time in the car, and it will be an exciting challenge. 

Set some ground rules about sticking together, and don’t forget to talk over emergency plans!


9. Keep calm

Travel can be stressful but it’s a lot easier when you remember to breathe. You’re on holiday—and remember, you’re there to enjoy it, too!

Traveling as a family makes for some great memories—it just takes a bit of organizing to avoid the stress. 


traveling with kids


More about Lingokids 

The Lingokids universe provides original, award-winning, interactive content for kids, transforming how kids can learn. Lingokids creates games, songs, podcasts, videos, and activities that blend educational subjects with modern life skills to spark curiosity, imagination, and success in school—and beyond!  

Interested in learning more about how Lingokids helps families raise amazing kids? Download the app and check out more content on our YouTube channels!


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