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English for Kids. FREE playlearning™ content curated by the Lingokids educators team.

English for kids

Free Playlearning™ content curated by the Lingokids educators team.

English for kids

This Is the Way Song 🐧 Music for Kids

Waddle with the penguins and practice action verbs!

“This Is the Way” Lyrics

Ok, are you guys ready?

This is the way the penguins jump, penguins jump, penguins jump

This is the way the penguins jump, all day long.



This is the way the penguins walk, penguins walk, penguins walk

This is the way the penguins walk, all day long. 



This is the way the penguins eat, penguins eat, penguins eat

This is the way the penguins eat, all day long.



This is the way the penguins dance, penguins dance, penguins dance

This is the way the penguins dance, all day long.

This is the way the penguins sleep, penguins sleep, penguins sleep

This is the way the penguins sleep, all night long 


About the Song

The “This Is the Way” song helps boost kids’ literacy skills by teaching action verbs. Jump, dance, and sing along with Cowy and her penguin friends!

Let us know how much your child loves singing and dancing to this tune by tagging us on social media!

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