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English for Kids. FREE playlearning™ content curated by the Lingokids educators team.

English for kids

Free Playlearning™ content curated by the Lingokids educators team.

English for kids

Opposites Printable Activities: Hats

Adjectives in English come in many forms, one of those are opposites. Let's help your little ones learn about opposite adjectives as they talk about hats through some fun activities.

Adjectives in English come in many forms, and one of those are opposites. But, what are opposite adjectives? Think about big and small, round or square! These words describe people or things and their contraries. A perfect way for the little ones to understand and learn opposites is with printable exercises. Here you’ll find some printable activities about opposites using vocabulary about hats to make the learning more fun. 

Explaining opposites using hats is quite easy! First, your little one will have to color several hats and their contraries. There is a small hat and a big hat, a new hat and a small hat, a clean hat and a dirty hat. With this activity, they will have a visual representation of these opposite words as well as the opportunity to practice writing and vocabulary by tracing the words in English

Next, you’ll find some useful English expressions to use with your little one on a daily basis. These expressions are related to hats, and also include the use of opposite adjectives. You can take advantage of a trip to the mall by saying “It’s time to go shopping for some new clothes.”, or maybe practice a bit more vocabulary inside the house as you ask your little one “Where is your big sister?”.

In this printable you’ll also find several English book recommendations for children about opposite words, as well as songs and fun activities to complete the lesson. 

Here you’ll find printable activities to practice opposites with your children!

Opposites exercises about hats

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